Material flexibility increases this stat. Velocity: Speed of the arrow fired from the bow, added by Stabilizer.Overbowed: Added by Long Staves, the amount of seconds the bow can be held at full draw.Material hardness increases projectile count, flexibility reduces spread. Multishot: Number and spread of additional arrows added by the Extended Rest.Strength: Base damage of the bow, increased by Stave material hardness and flexibility.Draw Time: How long is required to fully draw the bow, increased by Stave material hardness and Bowstring material density, decreased by Stave material flexibility.Reach: How many block the player can reach while holding the tool.Durability: How many uses the tool has left before needing repair.The can gain four additional stats Multishot, Overbowed, Velocity, and Zoom from various modules. Limb Adjuster: Allows for Tweaking, can improve either draw speed or strength, while reducing the other.īows have four base stats Durability, Reach, Draw Time, and Strength.Stabilizer: Increases projectile velocity.Extended Rest: Increases projectile count.Sights: Zoom in as bow is drawn or while holding shift.If the player has a Quick Latch in their inventory, they may add it to their Bowstring to apply the Release Latch improvement, which fires the arrow immedeatly after the bow is fully drawn. Bows like these are well suited in modpacks that include mods like No Damage Immunity, which allow these rapid hits to deal lots of damage.īowstrings can be made from eight materials in base Tetra:

Recurve Staves favor fast draw speeds over per shot damage, this can be combined with the Release Latch module on the bowstring to fire many arrows in a shot period. Long Staves favor per shot damage over draw speed, however Long Staves can only be held at full draw for a short time. Straight Staves are treated as the starter stave, they deal less per shot damage than Long Staves and draw slower than Recurve Staves, however they have lower Crafting Requirements than Long and Recurve Staves. The stave can also be wrapped with string, leather, or rabbit hide. There are three options for a bow stave, Straight, Long, and Recurve.