They accomplish this with line-after-line of shield generators, plasma torpedo silos and pulse lasers, with an expansive hangar capable of carrying thousands of strikecraft, dropships and troops. It is designed to lead the Covenant fleet into known enemy strongholds, punching through enemy lines and offloading a large complement of ground troops to wage war on the planet's surface. Characterised by its immense center hangar and hook-like prow, the assault carrier's awe-inspiring capabilities are well-documented. The CAS-class assault carrier is one of the most powerful models of capital ship ever deployed by the Covenant empire. If you abuse it or my trust for anything beyond the mission I have gifted you, you will not only bring shame upon your house and your entire homeworld, but I will personally hang your skull above the door to its command centre as a lesson to all who disobey me." ― Minister of Abnegation, on the importance of misusing an assault carrier, to Xytan 'Wattinree. An assault carrier is a tool of destruction, capable of beating even fleets of ships unaided. " Do not misuse my generosity, Shipmaster.