in 'private' or newly-created repositories)," it reads.

"We request that Github take expeditious action to remove or disable access to the materials, together with any other instances of the same materials available within the same primary 'GTAmodding/re3' fork network (e.g. Dated Septem(a week after the copyright lawsuit was filed) it informs Github that legal action is underway and it has come to the company's attention that the contentious content (and numerous 'fork' repositories) continue to be made available on Github's website. TorrentFreak reports: Just before the weekend, a new entry in Github's DMCA repository revealed the existence of a letter (PDF) sent to Github from Take-Two's legal team. Take-Two has also demanded the removal of many project forks and wants Github to take action under its repeat infringer policy. After Take-Two Interactive sent a legal letter to Github referencing a copyright infringement lawsuit against the people behind the popular re3 and reVC Grand Theft Auto fan projects, Github has now removed the repositories for a second time.