The Pillager’s aim continues to fail missing both Gauss Rifle shots. The Man-o-War feels lucky and rushes to point blank range after Kai maneuvers slightly. The Pillager stands his ground as the MadCat closes the distance. Only Kai’s magnificent piloting skill saves him from a near certain fall. Meanwhile the Man-o-War unloads and manages to score a through armor critical that damages the Ryoken’s gyro. Kai is not yet at optimum range and is unable to damage his foe.

The Pillager stands despite the punishment.

The MadCat returns fires and hits with both missiles and lasers. The Pillager lands only one Gauss Rifle slug on the MadCat, shedding armor on the right arm. The Pillager and MadCat look to trade blows at long range while Kai starts a run towards the Clan Wolf Man-o-War. Both Gauss from the Pillager miss while the MadCat places some lasers on the Pillagers right torso, shaving a few short tons of armor away.